Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Time.

Well its been a great long weekend especially since I miss having these long weekends seeing that university doesn't have 'PD-days' or school-free days that grade school gives you because the curriculum doesn't take the entire 10 months. I guess university is a big difference in this case.

Today is Easter and Lent is officially over and I may have eaten more chocolate than expected for breakfast (speaking of which, I'm craving some). I can't believe I have lasted for the 40 days without chocolate and it came to me this morning that despite how hard it was to not to consume chocolate, it must've been like infinite times harder for God to give up his son (I got reminded of this on Good Friday). I'm happy to say I made it, and I think this is the first ever Lent that I made it all the way; it sure helps doing it with a buddy and makes chocolate even more savory.

Another thing that I'm reminded of is why I'm a Christian and how great God's love is. I take this for granted a lot, just like how I take driving for granted and I haven't driven in a while, seeing that one of the two vans died on my family and it gets unconvienient having to share and adjust schedules if I do need to drive, but sharing is caring.

It was yet another fun pleasure to witness brothers and sisters get baptised again, reminded me of my baptism almost 3 years ago on April 8th, 2007. Time flies, and being in the shoes of a Christian is difficult, we are always tested through our faith and there are many times we realize its hard to live up to it. But as one sister mentioned through her testitmony today, there is no standard, and God is with us through the good and bad.

One more week of classes, I can't believe it, can't even grasp that concept and how happy I will be, despite the fact I'll probably be taking a spring course. I really want to work, I want to earn money and save up, but I've been rejected directly and indirectly multiple times. I wish some companies would give you a chance and not turn you down base on your resume. I mean, how are you suppose to gain more job experience if people don't hire you. Sigh, I'm just going to wait and see what God has in store.

The sun is shining brightly out and its a beautiful day, not only beautiful, but a HAPPY DAY.
soak it up!


  1. if you're willing to work at wem, i think some places are hiring ;)

    good luck on your last couple weeks of schooling

  2. 04/08/07! sick! please work at urban outfitters, that place is my new fav =D have fun with chocolate now lol
