Monday, November 15, 2010

I put you infront of me so everybody can see my Love, this is my Love.

God is Good. So many things have come cleared to me in this past weekend. Last night was unbelievable and it wasn't just a 'christian high' that some people would call it; it was meaning; it was life; it was a passion and fervor for the Glory of God; it was a Revival. I could attend another Jaeson Ma event all over again. From arriving at like 4 pm (event started at 5pm) to not checking my clock until people started to leave, I checked my phone and... I couldn't believe it... it was PAST 10PM! I just sat though five hours?! Worship, JMA's documentary, his performance, and most importantly his sermon that dug deep and spoke to the core of us. It was engaging the whole time, his passion for Christ and his Ministry is all GOD. ALL OF IT. I hope everyone could have a chance to experience what I experienced last night with 600+ students or even watch the documentary and realize how fortunate we are, but yet we don't have the drive to do even 10% of what people do in Asia. Crazy. Sick. Really SIC.

It really hit me hard when I learned that two pastors debated over an hour who would DIE (when 23 Korean missionaries were kidnapped by the Taliban in Afganistan) to save the rest of the group. It was overwhelming and so real hearing all of this. You may have questioned it before-could you die for your faith? what you believe in? That's a tough one, yet people LONG to die for God's ministry. An eye-opener, jaw-dropping one right there. Personally, I don't know, sometimes I feel I don't even have 10% of the faith some people in Asia have. Its so true that you don't give your all to God unless your in a state of devastation and have no one else, nothing else but faith, and yet 'faith is to believe what you do not see and the rewards of this is to see what you believe' -Augustine. I'm speechless, I even feel ashamed of myself and fearing my peer's judging me rather then fearing God. What is wrong with me? Why do I think this way?

Ironically, in Sunday School yesterday morning, we were sharing about how to apply our knowledge of what we have learned from the book of John so far. I was in a small group with two other girls and I found myself sharing how hard it is to share the gospel with my friends or even touch on the topic of church. One girl told me its so hard because its just natural for people to 'fit in,' to 'belong.' Why start controversy when the status quo can be maintained right? But in order to have faith, you have to FEAR God, you have to take that next, step up and do something that 'scares' you- not OMG haunted house scary, but seriously something that is ultimately fearing and amazing at the same time. Its unexplainable in some ways, but in the end it was a great Sunday, I compromised studying but Jaeson reminded me that we shouldn't be 'worshiping school' and sometimes I feel I may be doing just that unexpectedly, but that doesn't mean I stop studying well, obviously.

Anyhow check JMA's Ministry out, God is working with him non-stop. I know God can do great things in each of us if we give us everything. Literally everything. Can We?


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Three Quarters

I feel a little relieved.
I even feel some weight off my shoulders.
I feel like I need a massage.

Yes, that last one hits the spot. Three quarters, 3/4 papers tackled; now its just the waiting for the prof to tell me it really was a touchdown. I can't express my gratitude enough towards tomorrow being the last day of class-for the week at least. Even thought Fall break won't be much of a break for me, at least its class-free.

I also have work on Remembrance Day and this Friday. I thought I ask for some extra shifts seeing that I have a break, and since I want to earn some extra money (pay & a half on Remembrance Day (but of course this day is not about the money, even though it is an holiday (Speaking of which, I lose my poppy EVERY year))). I kind of feel stupid for asking for these shifts, seeing that I have work to do, but despite working part time this term for the very first time of my university experience, to my surprise, I find myself working harder.

My theory is that since I know I have days during the week where I won't be able to do any school-work, at least bare minimal, I try to get as much done as I can on days that I don't have work or anything planned. Smart am I not? but it is tough, its definitely been a test of time-management and priorities lately.

To be honest, I miss my friends, I miss being able to spend time with them and talk about random things, do random things, be spontaneous, and just see them basically, but I find myself not calling them up or finding them in my spare time because I'm so school-oriented (which I remember I said I didn't want to happen prior to starting post secondary :( ) and my spare time has been filled with what I need to get done.

This weekend I had a taste of the good ole days and I realize how bland my social life has become. To all my chums I haven't contacted or spoken to in a while, Sorry.

These bitter days will soon go away.

Friday, November 5, 2010


My friend told me she was going to Chris Tomlin's How Great is Our God tour in Vancouver this weekend and she happened to tell me about this pastor who is an AMAZING speaker: Louis Giglio!I never heard of him before and she made him sound so interesting so she told me to search him up and I did :)

I just finished watching his sermon from his last years' tour I believe, and although it was on Youtube in five separate parts, he is REALLY SO GOOD. His way of sermoning with science kept me captivated and he proved to me all over again how our God is ALL powerful in so many ways that you can't even seem to grasp the concept. I mean, no one can deny there is a God, even science LEADS to Him.

My favorite was part 4 and I think its definitely going to be remembered for light years to come. When you have a chance, watch it:

God never ceases to surprise me.