Monday, March 31, 2014

The Push

Reflecting on this month, I can't believe it's already the last day of March. I can't be more thankful for March and all that I got to partake in.

I finished the abs challenge (Greetings, stronger core!), prepared Coffeehouse with an awesome fellowship, promoted for summer camp, met up with many friends, finished my adult strokes course, anticipated changes during this NEAC transition, wrapped up my trip planning (more details to come), and went to meetings upon meetings with joy, and felt the Push.

What do I mean by the Push?

The "Push" is what I called the works of the Holy Spirit in my life. I can't be more honest and say how much I didn't want to share my deepest and darkest moments in an audience of 60 plus. I can't dare say that it was my own decision because from the start I had built up a wall of excuse of why I shouldn't share. However, I should've known you can't pull a Jonah on God. You can't run away, you can't deny it, and you can't just push the thought aside when it's growing and pushing itself on you.

Yesterday's push was a reality of my life. I never felt so vulnerable in front of my brothers and sisters at my home (and extended) church. I coined the term "sob monster" because that's what I felt I was, though I kept reminding myself that I need to be the change I want to see, and if not, I shouldn't be turning down an opportunity God has given me to glorify and bring praises to Him at the very least. There was no reason not to share.-that would've been selfish if I let my own comfort zone hold me back from doing what God had willed.

Today, I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. I can't even recall what I said, except telling everyone that I gained a bit of 'hope' from being accepted into swimming lessons (please ask me for deets). God has quite the humor of getting me to do things, oh the irony of it all. Way before the execution of last night, I was the one looking for people to share. It was hard I admit because I kept getting turned down, and I understand that it was a bold request that I was asking, one that was atypical and would make people confront their fears. Finally, I had a list of four, but 2/4 were not a full on yes. I had wagered with God that if any one of the four I had on the list decided not to share, that it meant I had to share (my friend had asked prior to why I didn't considered sharing and I had no good answer to that). But deep down, I had already knew the answer that I didn't want to submit to.

Fast forward, I hadn't heard a confirmation from the two and texting one of them the day before, they had deceided they didn't want to share, which was absolutely okay. I accepted that, but what I wasn't accepting was that it meant I was her replacement. I didn't want to think of it that way because I knew God knew all along. I knew there must've been a reason because even though I kept telling myself I didn't want to share, what God wanted me to say kept flooding my mind leading up to Coffeehouse. I knew there was something more to me just opening my mouth. God was going to speak through me.

And He did. 

And I was more astounded by the feedback (from not only mine, but the other 3 sharings as well) when it all finished. I may have said some things that related to others, may have shocked some people with my sharing, may have made people uncomfortable with my tears, but it doesn't matter. I know I made God happy.

I am also thankful for the gratitude I've received. I love planning, I really do, but it warms my heart that people appreciate it. It warms my heart even more when I hear people want future events like this.

Serving God totally brings me Joy. JOY JOY JOY! On another note, my New York roomie/friend/classmate as mentioned here is GETTING BAPTISED. I'm awestruck by how GOoD He is and the only tinge of sadness about this is that I won't be in town for it, but I know His plans are to prosper and I should rejoice regardless.

It's Your b r e a t h e in my lungs.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Have You Started?

Before the clock strikes twelve tonight I really want to share about what I'm "lenting" on.

Today marks the beginning of Lent, fourty days before Easter. For as long as I can remember, growing up in Catholic schools kept me reminded of something I should give up or commit to doing more of something beneficial during this period. In the past, I've succeeded at giving up chocolate and sweets and it was quite gratifying knowing I was able to deprive myself of those things, but I made a mental note that I didn't want to do something I've given up before.

This time around, it didn't hit me that Lent was coming up until two days ago. Not being in school and being quite occupied lately has made me delirious of dates and all. It's no excuse knowing I was short on time in thinking what I was going to do, so I've been on ponder mode since the awareness of it has creeped in. I actually had a hard time deciding what I was going to do because I felt my desires were quite selfish and just beneficial to myself instead of glorifying God. Finally I had a light bulb moment that instead of giving up something (which I always considered harder), why not work on something that I have been lacking in?! This led to the idea of resting and eventually to a challenge to pray and have quiet time with God consistently and intently these next fourty days. Sounds easy right?

Well it was quite the impulse decision on a whim, but I already foresee how much I had underestimated the depth of this commitment. However, also how fruitful this can be if I listen to the guiding of the Holy Spirit and accomplish this.

I will just have to wait and see. Time will definitely tell and I highly encourage you to give up or do more of something this Lent season. Its a great test of perserverance and I find that it helps build aspects of your character depending on what you choose to do.

Happy Lenting & don't forget the reason for why you are doing so!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Challenge

Reviewing my Golden goals (basically goals I've made for myself since turning twenty-two), and resolutions so to speak made me feel like I haven't been as proactive as I want in terms of my health oriented goals. I see the same trend repeating over and over when I make healthy goals, and that is that they're not long term, so I have decided to work on my discipline and willpower. So as Spring is nowhere to be seen, and March is already here, I've been motivated to step it up and do a 30 day ABS challenge this month.

I think I'm crazy and I foresee this being quite hard (and me lacking motivation) as my core is quite weak, but also looking forward to the difference it will make 30 days later. I feel time is just crunching on me these days, thus making me eat less healthy and crave junk more often.  Also, I know I really need to focus on my physical self more, prioritize having a Sabbath, and get more mental rest.

It's so easy to have the drive to constantly be doing something and work work work rather then be lazy and couch potato around. It's very ironic, but being still and resting in God's presence is so much harder for me then constantly filling my mind with ideas, to dos, and so on and so forth.

I love this line in my daily devotional book that I read a while back,

"We're human beings, not human doings!"

Balance is definitely key, and certainly what I need as of late.

If you like to join me, JOIN ME! There's actually so many different monthly fitness challenges and ideas online these days.

Time to kick myself in the core.