Tonight I will be off to, you guessed it! VANCOUVER! I'm looking forward to it a lot. It's the trip that I have been looking forward and forward to-and now its finally arrived. I'm almost done packing and in a few hours I will be heading to the Greyhound bus station with two other friends. I'm actually looking forward to riding on a long bus ride. I haven't had a 'road trip' since I was in junior high? and snow is pretty, so I wouldn't mind looking out the window and taking in the view God painted.
Vancouver is known for good food, Richmond- even better food in comparison to Edmonton and I just love how alive and festive this city can get. Its a major reason I love to go visit time after time, especially having made so many friends there from Urban Promise, Taiwan trip, and Winter Conference. Yea it sucks to have no family members there and I always tell myself that if UBC had my program, I would go there in a heartbeat. But God has his plans for me, gotta respect them, even if at times I'm clueless about my future.
So Winter Conference, long awaited Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference. I anticipate attending WC year after year and this year will be my fifth time going. Thinking back its quite a funny story to why I wanted to attend my first ever WC in December 2005. I was only in grade 9, a fourteen year old who was in a phase of spreading the love of God, telling people about Him, and being involved in multiple events. I was running on a full tank of gas. I didn't know where this spirit came from (well God of course, but you know...) and I really had a knack for events that ended in multiples of 5s or 10s. I thought, wow this event must be doing something marvelous if it has lasted so long. When I first saw WC on our church bulletin, I sensed a yearning to go, but I didn't think much of it because it was in Kelowna and I didn't know if my parents would let me, and it was quite costly. But I really really wanted to and to me it was a big thing that it was the '45th anniversary.' In the end, my mom was surprised when I brought it up, but I had permission to go and I never looked back.
This year, is also the 50th anniversary of WC. It amazes me to know how much I have grown spiritually and physically over the years and see how God has worked in me and through WC. Every winter break I look forward to a faith revival, and it means so much to me to be able to attend this with so many other Christians from all over western Canada and praise and worship our Savior-Lord Jesus Christ. Even though I'm heading into my fifth year of WC, I never get bored, there's always something new, always something for me to grow and learn from, and friends to meet.
I'm speechless. I don't want to expect anything this year because I know God has laid out everything already. I just want to take it all in, immerse myself in love, grace, humbleness, and hope that I may be challenged further. I know I will be. I love how they decided to bring back WC to the city it originated in, a city I love and enjoy to be in.
I wish You all the best as 2010 wraps up and 2011 reveals.
Have a Merry CHRISTmas everyone and Happy New Year!