I'm actually really happy I took this course, HECOL 254, a beginner sewing course I'm required to take for my Textile & Clothing program, and its only offered in the Spring time anyways. At times, I love what I am doing, like how I accomplished my skirt:
Other times... I just wanted to relieve myself of all the seam ripping & needle-prodding-in-finger chaos. Well lets think positive and aim for a well-done shirt as my final project for this course. As I journeyed through this course I just realize how much there is to learn beyond shopping and picking items off the walls. I also realize how God has opened so much doors for me all the while.
Before this spring course, before this school year, before last summer 2009, before the end of grade 12 I had wanted to brush up on my sewing skills and find a summer course for 2010 at a local company or school and voila, HECOL 254 opened up. Not only that, two years ago,my summer of grade 11, my friend had an opportunity to go study Mandarin in Taiwan for six weeks, and despite my mixed thoughts about going to MY open door now, I remembered how jealous and full of admiration I was about HER going and I be stupid to say No and shut this door when God has left it ajar for me.
So what can I say, maybe it is a pleasant thing that time flies, so when you look back on it, you realize just how much you and I have changed, how time has evolved, and experiences are opening up.
Lately, I have been enjoying my student-employment-faith life, taking this spring course was less hectic than I thought it be and despite working life, I'm earning a pay cheque and it feels good to earn money and even better to spend it. Its so hard to control my spending now, thinking back, it was way easier to be stingy and save when you are NOT employed and DON'T have a job. Now that I am employed, I feel as if I have a steady 'income' and am able to buy that shirt or that thing I want. Hopefully this mentality of mine ceases shortly so I can save for the long term plans I have. As for my social life, I feel like I'm back on task; I caught up with eight people last week! I'm so glad I just got to go grab a snack, bubble tea, yoga, shop, enjoy a meal, share a movie, or just sit around together. It was definitely cherished bonding time and I hope to continue this while I can. As for faith, not the best for last, I realized I haven't prayed as much as I use to, maybe I should attend a prayer meeting to pick up on that and there are prayer needs, but maybe because of all the things going on, I have been letting my prayers slide, so that is a TO DO must!
{God forgive me; I know you already have, so Thank You for your almightyness forever and always}
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