Thursday, March 25, 2010

Joy of Praying

Last night me and a SIC (sista in christ) attended our church's prayer meeting, for me it was my very first time (yes, im finally doing my job as a member) and it was different from what I expected. It was actually fun! Upon arriving, all the regular attendees were shock to see the two of us, but none the less it was a great night, and even felt like a girls' bonding night when we broke off into smaller groups to pray.

I realize how much I've been missing out on other peoples' lives and how much there is to pray about: church activities, world disasters, the ill, missionaries, each other, and the list goes on. But as humane as I am, I always start prayers about me, myself and I. Its so natural to approach God when I need him the most, and that is why I believe God lets negative events happen, to draw us close to him, but then again, there is so much to pray about I think I prayed one of the longest prayers ever yesterday. Despite the laughs and chuckles throughout our prayers, my sic and I realize the importance and significance of prayers all over again.

For the record, prayer meeting wasn't the : boring, long, time consuming kind of thing, its meaningful, try it out, give God a shout ;D


  1. Sweet! If there was a like button I would totally have clicked it! Hope you can come again!

  2. Aww, I'm glad you girls enjoyed it! It totally is a great bonding time :) Before it used to be us "youngings" that always finished first but now that there's a good number of us, we're always last cos we just keep chatting n praying.. which is a good thing! We look forward to you being one of us "regulars" ;)
