Saturday, November 1, 2014


I feel I've logged way too much screen time since the start of September. Though my job does allow me to move and not sit on my butt, I feel I've constantly been partaking in the online world. I guess being in charge of social media at work and also taking on a few "screen" related video projects doesn't help, but I really need to cut it down or at least give my eyes more break time. I honestly feel I need to emphasis discipline in my life in this area (and a few others...) as I've noticed that certain habits that didn't bother me before, are starting to bother me now... I guess there is a turning point to everything-dang, I'm only 23! For example, I feel my eyes buzzing (if you know what I mean) and I don't get a good night's rest if I strained my eyes staring at a screen the night before, so I can't let these things go anymore if I still want 10, 20, 30 years down the road of healthy eyesight and more for myself. A bit of an exaggeration, but I really need to smarten up!

How fitting, because earlier on this month, my beloved HP laptop (don't hate Mac books xP) of three years and a bit decided to crash on me and lose it's internet connectivity. As I mentioned earlier, I took on some video project commitments, so this was quite a hindrance and annoyance as I would have to keep transferring information (photos, text translations) from a ghetto half broken laptop of my brother's that had internet connectivity, but nothing else, to my computer which had everything I needed, but internet. It was so frustrating at first, but as I started adjusting and debating on this dilemma into a good excuse to get a new laptop or not, I realize though that I started to stare at a "screen" less. I would log onto what I needed to log onto at work ( I know, I'm terrible, but it's convenient), such as email and the like, and when I was done, I was DONE. I've ran down my Facebook news feed less and have spent less time "killing" time on the internet and more time being productive with my online screen time as it's been such a hassle lately. So now, even though I'm lying on the carpet using my brother's ghetto laptop to type this blog post (it has to lean against a wall as the screen is broken (yes, it's that ghetto), it doesn't bother me too much anymore,

I don't know when I'll get a new laptop or what kind I will get, but my circumstances aren't so bad. I would put it into the category of first world problems, but it definitely puts my habits into perspective.

So here's to hoping I can cut down my usage even more and invest in more "offline" time with real faces and reality!

Remember to turn your clocks back today! I guess I don't have to worry about changing my broken computer... sigh*

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