Monday, October 13, 2014

Surprise Surprise

I can't believe my last post was my birthday post. I guess I can believe it, but this period of not blogging makes me feel I've missed out on a big chunk of my life when re reading my posts. I assume it's safe to say that this post might be a long read then. Let's do this Q&A style.

So what went down September?

I mentioned how I am becoming more at peace with the idea of staying in YEG, and though its not what my heart and soul ideally wants, I've come to accept it because God definitely knows my needs better than I do, especially in this present time. He also gave me a restful and maybe even a test of patience kind of summer to prepare me for exactly what I wanted to do, and that is, my current job I've been working at since September 5th!

So what's the dealio with work?

I am working full time at Londonderry Mall as a Guest Services Supervisor and assistance to the Marketing department (which consists of a team of two, so if you count me, three). If you haven't heard the big news, read all about it here. I guess this employment announcement also makes it blog official that I am finally hired and settled? Not really, but from applying to the interview process to signing a line up of paper work to finally starting work, I definitely saw God's hand in helping me get this position I never intended to keep (initially I accepted it because it was a good opportunity and since I had no other options, I thought I would just quit if a better one came along). And as if God likes to tease, He is surely proving to me how wrong I was in thinking that initial thought. Long story short, I actually saw this job posting before I went to South East Asia, so I feel God knew along and kept this job opened for me. It's so bizarre, but I truly feel my name was written all over this job posting but I just never knew it until now, in hindsight.

I honestly never wanted to or thought I would work in retail post-degree, but there are many aspects to this job that is such an answer to prayer that I never thought it would be; such as, getting to run around, do different things, be able to be a self starter, etc. etc. Now that it's been over a month, it hasn't been easy transitioning from full time butt sitting to full time butt kicking at work (who am I kidding?) but it's a blessing in disguise that I really appreciate. As I've progressed along, I felt like this job was the perfect blend of the type of work I did interning in New York in fashion production and my special events experience at Hudson's Bay Southgate. Which comes to show again how God uses every circumstance in your life to nurture and prepare you for the future, or in this case, where I am now so I am beyond thankful!

God also doesn't take prayer requests lightly because one request in my job was to be challenged and boy am I ever pushed out of my comfort zone. From having to communicate to various people and departments in the mall to engaging and building relationships with people I don't know, I am pulling a lot of strength and confidence from God. I am enjoying everything I get to do, but there's an aspect of learning in life that is never finished. That's why when people ask me if  would ever return to school, my answer has been and probably will continue to be a no because I feel there's so much to learn in the work force, through hands on experience, and the mentorship of others that you just don't get in the school system.

How ironic that I mentioned I wanted to leave YEG so bad, because working a 7 minute drive from home does have its perks as well. I don't dread leaving work late or having to wake up in the mornings as work is close by. Which if you've guessed, location was another 'on the list' thing that was prayed for. I was in fact hoping that work would be close by to where ever I would moved to since I would have to move to that new location anyway, but I guess God had different plans in mind.

And the best part?

It's not everyday you get to see a mall transform and be a part of it. Being someone that loves behind the scenes work and curious to the point of no return, I am excited even though the mall is a wreck at this point.

What else have you been up to?

The rest of my time has been with no denial, all consumed to church. If you are seriously out of the loop and have not heard, NEAC is turning 30! I, being one that loves events and being a part of things (I think I have a slight diagnosis of FOMO-fear of missing out), I am just so passionate in being able to contribute and put my efforts in serving and making a difference to NEAC. I feel so blessed to be a part of these 30 years and to see all the growth that has taken place astounds and wows me. I only hope this joy and excitement will continue to be a domino effect. I know 2014 will end off with a bang with the 30th anniversary banquet right around the corner and soon to follow, Christmas! I just cannot wait, more news to come on this one.

I am also gaining so much insight and ideas for the future. I am reminded of those that left, moved on, and those that have stuck through all the way. I don't know how long I will be here, but I know this is where God wants me to be and be a part of right now. There's been so much on my mind lately it's crazy, I really need to write more again so I can keep track and process everything that is coming through my brain these days.

Working full time is a time sucker, but I'm definitely trying to balance my social life as well and other personal projects on my growing lists of to dos. I also want to pick up a few things I started earlier this year such as swimming and building on some other skills, but for the time being, work life is priority as much as I wish I didn't have to work full time...

Final thoughts?

Is it just me or does the blogging world seems kind of quiet? I love to hear how you're doing, so start writing!

Oh and of course, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it was a turkey full one because my turkey is delayed to next week.

1 comment:

  1. I think, if you're at Londonderry from now until its projected completion in 2017, there will be a huge sense of satisfaction in knowing that you played a big part in the development of this mall! It's gonna be great, when it's complete.

    I'm glad to see you so hard at work @ NEAC! Know that your hard work and deeds don't go unnoticed, and NEAC wouldn't be the same without you. It's awesome to be working side-by-side with the church fam, and it's crazy to think it's our 30th year. The best part is we're all striving ahead together through the thick and thin, so keep up the good work!
