Friday, September 21, 2012

Humble Bumble

Once school starts, everything seems to pick up its pace. Homework, assignments, group projects, meetings, and the list goes on. Not only school-related items, but I find my commitments with my extra-curriculars and serving in church coming at me faster than I thought. It made me realize how much I had commit to this year... and maybe even a potential job on top of these things too.

One thing that has been different this term compared to all my other terms is that I have a lot of peace. A lot of peace because I am putting more and more of my faith in God rather than myself. In the past, I would always worry, blog about worrying, rant to others about my worries, and worry some more. A long while back I had posted this quote below,

What worries you, Masters you -anonymous

which  made me rethink everything that consumes me. Though, I feel I'm worry-free not because my term is easy, not because I have a perfect schedule to do everything, but because I'm slowly giving my all to God.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you-1 Peter 5:7

This above verse is slowly becoming a reality for me. It dawned on me lately how I'm so thankful we  were told to  memorize bible verses as a kid in fellowship and Sunday School. You don't realize how powerful a verse can be until you need it-until you try to recall one and realize its no where to be found in your memory. Also, its not until you share the word with someone that it really shows how much you know, and don't know. I've found a burning desire to "take up the cross" and I want this flame to never die. I've never been so on track in my spiritual walk and even though I'm still confused about a lot of things, my investment in my faith has delivered satisfaction and joy like no other means.

Since Korea, I've been more consistent in my quiet times with God, and not to my surprize, it actually gets harder once I put the effort into praying and reading the bible. The enemy always fills my time up with junk, with foolish decisions and sometimes overdoing my schedule. Though, its also a test of my priorities and where I am dedicating my energy to.

If the devil doesn't make you lazy, he makes you too busy -anonymous

Since coming home, I've been sad- yes, that my travels have ended, excited, yes-for my last year in University, but also ambitious and out of my head regarding certain goals I have. I feel I have the abilities to do all these ideas swirling in my head but other times, I realize how challenging my circumstances may be when reality hits me across the forehead like a wooden hammer hitting those gophers that pop up at arcade games. I've also been reminded that I am a servant of God, one that is humble and willing to do God's will in the environments he places me in. Its so easy to get caught up in myself and my capabilities that I forget that its God who is in control, not me, myself or I. On a side note, mentioning God's will reminds me of a funny Christian pickup line I saw on my friend's facebook haha:

 Anyways, for the most part, I am looking forward to what this year has to teach me. With graduation in a little over a year, I need to stop thinking its the end, but rather, only the beginning of so much more. I'm already anticipating those  blessings God has hidden for me to find down the road.

Have faith in all that you do my friends.

Below, I present to you my most recent finding and favorite quote of all (as of now),

When you feel like God has put a vision on your heart, don't chase it. Chase Him. He'll never lead you to leave you. Pray that your desires align with his design. He always comes through. -anonymous

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