Thursday, December 17, 2009


Well its been a long while since I've blogged, one month and 9 days to be exact. I guess I don't think much has happened, but during this period, a lot did go on and things went by really quick, so much of my thoughts would skim the surface of my mind, and head out.

I'm really happy and at ease to say I have finished my first term of my first year at University. Its a great feeling, and wonderful to not go home after an exam and start studying for the next one. Although my trip was to the Dentist right after my final exam, it felt good to know my teeth were getting a deep scleaning crub even if the prodding and poking from those scary-looking equipment were in my mouth. I am so glad that school is done, and looking forward to this extra long holiday.

So now that some of my Christmas shopping has been dealt with, and some decent chillaxing at home today, I have a place to let my thoughts out. I guess if school was out forever, it be pretty boring. It does get boring when you have nothing to do, and shopping trips does come with a cost over time, literally. So its only right to say, that there must be a balance in everthing we do. If we didn't have periods of tough times, we wouldn't know how to cherish the breaks and time off. But long periods of breaks, just makes you inactive, unproductive, and bored out of your mind. Life is a unrepetitive cycle, and were aim to achieving a equilibrium.

This term has been difficult, frustrating, time-consuming (even if it is 3 hours of class a day, the "home" work after kills), cold, and deprivation of friendships. There's been a lot of adjustments, and Uni has really molded my procrastination into progress and results. Many people maybe changing their initial thoughts of what they are taking, or what they are going to be, and this is a common phase I hear. Fortunately, when I look back on my courses and what I am going into, I am keeping my initial interest; despite the mulitple projects and papers. For now, it'll still be the career path I'm looking forward to and wanting. As for my highschool friends, multiple times I feel deprived of them. I guess I'm not the person to stay on campus after my classes to study, so neither would I stay and wait to hang out with them. We all have different schedules, and even after our school hours, we are all busy. Hopefully next term I will be able to put more effort into my friendships and prioritize my to do lists.

Speaking of prioritizing, I finally realize the life of a Univeristy student. I finally understand how certain people will not be at church because they have to study, or don't help out/participate in a certain event because they are "school" busy. I realize how it feels to be in their shoes now so well because I've been there and my mind has contemplated the "idea" of not going to church for school-related reasons, but good thing I never put those thoughts into action. I believe its a stupid thing to do, lacking the effort to worship God, and its only two hours, although we should be worshipping Him in all that we do. I've learnt to say "No" to certain people or responsibilities I know I won't be able to handle or be capable of going through with a "Yes," but I will always value my faith and my role in my faith.

Christmas is quickly approaching, eight days and counting. I am oober excited, it is my favorite season, and JESUS is the reason. Its a great time of celebration, parties, yummy feasts, gift giving and reflection on the past year, as a new one is right around the corner. 2010 -that sounds so pleasing to the ear, and its so aesthetically pleasing as well. How often does one get to live through a millennium and now this. I'm exaggerating but it really is an exciting festive spirit, and Christmas is different every year, but always similar in meaning.

School is done for the year, but school will come in the new year.


  1. i am so glad that you put your faith before school.. you have no idea how much it frustrates me when i hear people are not going to church because of school or whatever.. it doesn't matter "how badly" they need to study, it's just not right. but good for you d= it feels great dont it

  2. I agree with what Nathan said - that was what I was going to write, but since he already commented I will say nothing more. Good luck figuring out the friends and priority thing! It can be tough! Have a great Christmas holiday!
