So this weekend we (UP) went CAMPING! My very first time camping ever. For REAL and it was memorable alright. My family never did over night camping, we always went to lakes and provincial parks but even if we did stay overnight it be at a hotel. To keep it short we weren't the camping sort. So here comes the adventure:
We took two Urban Promise vans and were heading to Alouette Lake where we would do our 24 hour camping trip, and on the way there everything was going all right until we got a call that the Brown van's battery died! So those including me in the Gray van drove to where the brown van had broken down to try to fix it. But no luck at all, the van wouldn't budge. So there we were ten of us on the side of the road watching two UP guys trying to bring the van back to life with every car whom pass by look at us like we were deserted in the middle of nowhere. Long story short, we couldn't find Bruce, the boss of the vans at UP so we all cozy up in the one van with majority of our stuff and headed off. All of us except two (due to only eight seats available) whom would wait for help to come. Fast forward a bit, the two arrived at the campsite about two hours late with the White van (UP has three colored vans) and we found out they desserted the Brown van where it was until Bruce was to be found. So that was an adventure in and out of itself.
After we unpacked and had a late lunch Adoria, Amanda and I did some venturing so we wandered around with no map but with a pretty good sense of direction we decided to trail on a creek with no actual trail. So three girls trudging over sticks and stones, boulders and logs, moss and trees, with soaked runners and socks (except Adoria who wore her dawgs) we arrived at the Alouette beach. So nice, so sunny, so beach-like. Then we headed back to where we started and on the way back all the jumping and lifting must've tired my pants out because they RIPPED. What an adventure eh? Ripped pants, and it wasn't in a good place either. So there I was with ripped pants but my two "friends" were like laughing it off and wouldn't head back. So I put my bag infront of me to cover up and we kept on going. We didn't turn around and head back to our camp until ROBINS attacked us. Apparently we entered their territory and they didn't like us, so they kept flapping their wings and we finally ran away, and on the way back the hole in my pants got even BIGGER due to excess climbing over logs.
Soon it was dinner time, spaghetti mmmm then the tradtitional smores' and campfire. All was well but then my sleep was really hard since we were sleeping on gravel. I need to somehow rejuvinate from my sore body from the 90mins of adventuring and uncomfortable sleep.
Nonetheless I enjoyed my first camping trip and I would do it again. And my pants... they were three years old, so well worn ; well torn.
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