Sunday, April 5, 2009


"April Showers bring May Flowers"
but its not that applicable at the moment, well Spring break is over and I'm not dreading school, because I'm looking forward to Easter.

Today I finished the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, when I started on Ash Wednesday, I thought I would finish exactly on Easter Sunday, but I forgot that 40 days of Lent doesn't include Sundays, but I guess its good I finished today because in the book, on Day 40 it challenges you to write out your personal Life Mission Statement, and since the 1st and 2nd time reading through I didn't do this, third time shall be a charm! So here goes my written Purpose that lasts enternally, not earthly goals leading up to Easter and more!
If you have never read this book, I really recommend it to you because its a daily devotions that help you as you journey through your Christian life. Good read indeed, and encourages you for God's purpose!

Many things stuck out to me, and it motivated me to do more for God, expecially witness to those I haven't. My cousellor at fellowship has been encouraging us too, and it hit me hard when he wanted to have lunch with us at our highschools and bring a friend we've been trying to bring to Christ. Sadly, it hit me deep down that I haven't really tried to bring any of my friends to Christ expect pray for them once in a while, and that I should make it a purpose of mine even if there are fears of losing these friends. I think such fears are doubt, being judged, and maybe considered a 'obsessive Christian' to them. But despite these things, I learnt that Satan will do anything to keep you from spreading the word, and that's what makes him happy, well it time to make him SAD and strive for God. Hopefully I will be off to a good start.

"When God's at the center of your life, you worship. When he's not, you worry" -Rick Warren

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