Wednesday, April 8, 2009

One Lord; One Faith; One Baptism;

So today is my 2nd anniversay of getting baptised, April 8th 2007 was the day I got baptised with many others! Oh, how the memories rewind in my mine.

Time has passed so fast and I realized how much I've matured from two years ago, in faith, in relationships, in life, etc. God does work in your life, and its true how only time can tell. Imagine what more he can do 4, 8, 16 years down the road! I always hold on to "With God All things are POSSIBLE" when times are tugging me down to the ground or I feel like sinning, and yea, so that's that.

Now back to my studying for four tests in a row tommorw.

Five Days until Easter; 5 days until I get re-reminded the reason I got baptised.

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