So since I can remember, I had one friend who would remind me of how "motherly" I am and call me the dreaded Mother Sarah to my ears. As a biased me, I know I often like leading and this results in me telling others what to do or just naturally looking out for others and caring for them. I know it`s not a bad thing, but being reference to a mom just made my ears cringe at the thought of that.
I guess over the years I`ve grown accustomed to that friend, and unfortunately others call or mention that to me, but I just take it as a tease and laugh it off as this was coming from peers. Maybe it comes with age and now taking an active role in the shoes of a youth leader, but I`m starting to realize how much I care and feel the responsibility to be that role model and spiritual influence on these youths I see week in and week out. I worry if what I say will make a difference in their lives, feel the urge to be more proactive on certain topics to get them to stay out of trouble (for the record, they are all good kids), and wonder what would happen if I wasn`t in the picture. It`s ironic how I`m saying all of this as only a mere few months ago, I was questioning what in the world had I got myself into here.
Looking back, I`m acknowledging how much God has changed my heart and ready me for this role, and likewise I can see how much God has used me to open up the youth to think deeper, get involved, and grow as they continue their spiritual walk. I`m humbled and in awe of how God can use my so call `motherly` characteristics to foster love and unconditional acceptance towards these teen-ragers and I can`t wait to see where God is going to take them from here on.
Tonight I`m hosting a youth girls night on relationships and purity as questions and curiosity has arise through our weekly discussions. Having been there as a hormonal youth, I pray that God will grant me His utmost wisdom and discernment when sharing on this topic. I would really appreciate it if you could uplift these youth in your prayer as well.
Here comes Mother Sarah!
ugh...that still sounds horrendous to me.