Monday, June 10, 2013

Drugged on Fellowship

I'm not even joking.

Since a dinner get together at a fellow brother's house two Fridays ago, I've been on a fellowship high. I'm just so drawn to be around people, converse, laugh, share, eat-whatever it may be. I feel like as extroverted as I can be sometimes, I feel that this is beyond it. I just love spending time with my brothers and sisters and I can't seem to get enough of it!

I'm on overdose!

Call me crazy (which you may have).. "happy crazy," "Sarah's happy hour," "after 8 syndrome," and the list goes on. But honestly, I love you all and I find myself bonding and getting closer with people I don't usually talk to as much too. It's amazing and I love how our common denominator of faith is the glue holding us strong!

I was reflecting earlier on how I would pray, rant, share about the lack of unity in church or groups of people in the past, but to even just visually skim what has happened these past few months is quite extraordinary. I believe this is only the beginning of so much more hang outs, gatherings, joyous celebrations, and informal chillings.

I even felt like not wanting to go to NYC for my fashion internship anymore. How bizarre is that? I use to jump on any opportunity to get out of Deadmonton (and still would), but wow I can't even grasp this side of me right now. With a week to go, I have my reservations and some expectations, but all I care for right now is to invest as much of me as I can into my friendships and dear sic relationships.

I'm out of control and I'm just craving for more.

Fellowship time anyone?!
Let's pop some fellowship pills!

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