1.Quality Time
3.Words of Affirmation
4. Affection
Above is the order of my preferences in terms of receiving my love language. I know its different from person to person and my preferences of delivering my love language is slightly different than receiving them as well.
Now that my final Fall term has ended, I'm relinquished from the limits of being a student and free to make the most of this Advent season. I love being able to catch up with friends, gathering with family over a festive meal, and above all, giving back to God. I'm so easily distracted and I know its an excuse, but when its exam time, its hard to prioritize my relationship with the Lord.
Despite the freedom from my invisible school chains, my schedule is filling up quickly with multiple get togethers, parties, dinners and reunions. Its a battle between finding rest in Him and attending the next Christmas event on the list. Sometimes I find that the celebration of the reason for the season is lacking among the mass amount of plans we all have. Its ironic as Christ is the root and the origin of Christmas, yet I'm sure we are all guilty of not emphasizing this point as we attend one activity to the next.
Quality time is at the top of my love language because I don't feel I have enough of it. I love one-on-one cafe dates, chit chatting endlessly with a group of friends without the need for time checks, and spontaneous adventures with a sic or two. It really sucks when I give all this time to school, when relationships are the most significant matter I should invest in. When it comes to the end of my life, I won't remember that grade or how I did on that final, rather, the special ones who are still at my side.
Having said that, this year I decided not to host or plan any gatherings, instead I told other people to. The reason being is that I haven't acknowledge how much rest I've been missing out on. The other day, I was surprised that I slept for eleven and a half hours upon waking up because I didn't know that was possible of me (at least not since my not-wanting-to get-out-of-bed days in grade school). To be honest, I feel slightly burnt out jumping into all the plans awaiting for me and finishing my list of to dos right after my finals have ended. Don't get me wrong though, I'm still excited to see people, dress up, and celebrate the festivities of this season, I just wish everything lasted longer. The advent weeks of peace, hope, joy, and love drives our hearts towards the anticipation for Christmas, and the next thing you know, this special month wraps up and a new year begins.
Now that I have shared this, every memory made and every moment spent with my friends and family are going to be treasured, captured, and remembered. I'm so thankful for this time of year, and thrilled to celebrate the significance of Jesus' birth. Even though December 25 is just one day, Christmas spirit can linger in our hearts daily as Jesus is a gift to us; His never ending presence is our present.
What is your love language?
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