Monday, March 5, 2012

a month teared away

I didn't expect to tear up on the day that happens to be an exact month away from home. They just kept coming while peace and joy continually settled into my heart.

Why the cry?

Tonight was Emmaus first large group meeting on campus. If you read my previous post, you probably acknowledged how much I yearned for this day. I anticipated a wonderful night of kick off, meeting new friends, and some deep fellowship with brothers and sisters. However, I hadn't expect this.

After epic and hilarious introductions from the Emmaus staff members, Pastor Erin, the wife of Pastor Christian, whom both are the pastors at New Philly church (the church I have been attending) shared a powerful testimony. She started talking about how we like to question things. Sometimes asking 'why' can lead our curiosity to new findings, other times, asking 'why' can just be unnecessary-some things are just the way they are. We read from Luke chapter 24, titled On the Road to Emmaus, and it explained where and why this Christian fellowship's name was derived from. Basically, two disciples had seen Jesus on the way to Emmaus, a place seven miles from Jerusalem. They had not known initially that this person talking to them was Jesus, the one and only son who had risen from the dead. When they had found out, they ran back the seven miles to Jerusalem to tell the others. Emmaus is a telling of the good news, it tells of a journey where you find the truth , as vs. 32 says "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" It doesn't matter what your plans were or are, be it heading to Emmaus, or running back to Jerusalem, you will always be able to encounter Jesus as he is with you wherever you go. Emmaus describes just as such, and regardless of plan A,B,C, or Z, God will be there like he was yesterday, like he was today, and like he will be tomorrow.

Aside from the background info, Ps. Erin was AMAZING. Her testimony got our attention, got us laughing and even got us weeping and praying to one another. I never heard such a strong and honest testimony before. I believe everyone's testimony is special and one of a kind, but her's was just out of this world. I couldn't believe the truth I was hearing and how easily she spoke of the dead life behind her. She was a living testimony of her testimony and the immense relationship we can all have with our loving Saviour. I was so touched by her genuine persona and the tears just came. They came, and came, and then it triggered the nose to weep, the face to turn red, and the hand to grab tissue. I wasn't even going to bring my pocket size tissue, but I thought it may come in handy if the washroom didn't have paper towels-only God would've known the main purpose for it earlier on. I can't express how much God was speaking to me. When she finished, the staff were there to pray with us and I found myself walking towards a sweet staff member named Judy. I felt so bad sobbing on her, but at the same time, every word coming out of her mouth hit me hard like a boulder. She wasn't speaking to me-GOD was, and every hit was mighty, bold, and relieved me of my shame, sin, and selfishness.

I was not ready for all this to happen, especially early on in the term. I did not think God would be enlightening me during this exchange. How naive of me to think everything would go as I had planned when God is with me every step of the way. I realized how much I had needed this, how much I yearned to hear God's voice and know that he loved me. I'm glad to be on the right track again and have my eyes set up on him. I've drifted and detoured long enough, it's time to run His race and be set free with his words.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
-2 Corinthians 5:17

Believe it.

P.S. Here is the link to the sermon if your interested

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