Splashes of warm colours on tree branches, whiplash of morning breezes, and lingering gray skies is how Mother Nature welcomes us to her Fall season. The weather can be such a reflection of one's mood. Sometimes a chime of contentment like the bright colours we see, other times, a hit of gloom as quick as that once beautiful sight that leaves us.
This natural phenomenon is depicting my transition. Though, I have come to appreciate the beauty of Autumn despite placing this season as my least favorite in the past. The return of busier and stressful school days has restarted a race in my mind. Once the whistle blows, I need to finish that next match... of assignments, even though my spirit yearns for a ceasing of time and a period of serenity. I want to be the hare all the time, I want to keep up, I want to stay ahead. But when I reflect on this mentality, I am envious at how the tortoise can be at ease going slow and steady, and yet, still hit the finish line. Or just the mere fact that the tortoise is able to balance more races than me and am capable of doing so brilliantly.
I think during these races, I have lost track of my surroundings, and the importance of other matters that are more significant than understanding that next concept by the books. I may have won a race, but I am losing out to myself.
I am falling short as the leaves are falling off of this season.
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