I have graduated, yes graduated with a "diploma" that says my grad theme and grad theme drawing it. Fraud! But none the less it was a great weekend and I experienced God more in depth then ever. He forced me to call on his name for help, and cry to him during a time I was suppose to be overjoyed and making it the most memorable I could. Well it was memorable alright I will never forget what happened this weekend, that little accident on the way to grad and the aftermath of it and the bigger picture I saw revealed to me. God's plan is truly beyond human circumstances, beyond the present, beyond what we can acknowledge, and we only get it when it unfolds according to God's purpose. All I can say is, Thank you God. There were parts of Grad I would redo if I could, like bringing my camera to commensment or keeping my gown on longer so I could've taken a full gown pic with my parents but it has all ended now, and I learnt to not live in the past, but to "Live each day as I were to die tommorw and Learn as if I was to live Forever", significantly my grad quote came into play.
Today is May 26, exactly one month until Urban Promise. One month left until all my diplomas will have been finished and dealth with! I can't wait. Foreshadowing June 26 is overwhelming me!! I really need to prepare myself spiritually and read those emailed manuals. I'm so grateful from learning to draw close to God, it is in your lowest of lows that God draws you near because when your happy go lucky everything is the best it can be and one doesn't feel obliged to ask God for help, or yearn to be closer with him on a personal level. I pray that we all learn to achieve a heart to heart relationship with God, because its a never ending task and God will get out of his way to make this known to you.
good job! (=