Wow its been like 2 weeks since I blogged, sorry for those who keep up with my splurbs of babbles and yaddas.
Well March has arrived, but the sight of Spring hasn't, this weather is CRAZY, melting one day, slip & slide, then freezing & snowing, brrrh & more brrrrh. That's Edmonton for you. But yes March, lots of thoughts have popped into my head recently, it's kind of like a 'pet' month for me because March 2nd, 2003 was when I got my samoyed ( similar to a husky) Snowball ( see picture above) , and she was white and fluffy and BIG! I miss her! Maybe she's in dog heaven now, but when I was little I didn't want to get married because my uncle would always tease me about boys so I said I'd marry my dog. But two years and 23 days later, Snowball had to go because she couldn't walk no more, and we literally had to hold her back legs to help her get up the stairs, so sad, I think SPCA put her down, she was a grandma's age in dog years.
Second dog story is Comet, We got him on March 10, 2006, so three year anniversary is coming up! But this is a sad story too! When we got Comet he was like anoerxic for a dog, because his previous owner had starved him and abandoned him in the apartment. Long story short, my dad's co-worker (who owned the apartment or something) knew we were dog-lovers and brought Comet to us. After keeping him for a day or two, we brought it to SPCA lost & found and a week after, we legally had owned Comet. Of course no one claimed Comet, that be admitting they abused him =(. Anyhow so its been a good three years, and Comet got a friend a year later, Luna whom we bought on Feb 2nd, 2007. Oh, how I love them.
Next on the list... HIGHSCHOOL IS OVER IN LIKE FOUR MONTHS. amazing. how ridiculous does that sound or how overwhelmed am I? You be the judge of that. When I was little I thought I never finish school, elementary was a long long 7 years although it was slack & fun & games & parties at every possible event. Junior High zoomed right by, oh puberty & boys & finding myslef-all that good valuable stuff. Now Highschool, gr.12, I thank God for my 13 years of education that will soon come to an end, but wait its not the end, another 4 years of University is set to come. Gradulations 2009.
UP! Urban Promise, I've finally went through my interview call today and it wasn't that bad as I thought. I was really excited but by the end of it I like teared up because I realize I wouldn't be able to help with VBS (Vacation Bible School) at church and be a leader none the less, but this is probably one of those dilemmas that God is trying to teach me something and I'm so sure this summer will be peace & joy & grace & hope. It WILL be an unbelievable experience to look forward to! praypraypray.
"The 2 hardest thing to say in life, Hello for the first time and Goodbye for the last; so why not make it easy and say cya later alligator"
that is a beautiful dog... it looks fat though d=
ReplyDeletei will own a dog one day, when i am married and can afford it.
but at your school comment, its amazing how old you've really become when you look at it eh =D
and i think trading VBS for UP will be way worth it.. what you gain from UP will likely be 10 fold of what you would get out of VBS..
i will try to remember to pray for you and adoria.
haha I'm pretty sure it was overweight back then
ReplyDeletenicee, b/c justin is allergic eh? But it'll be fun! dogs keep you company , or as they say " Man's bestfriend" Keep up that dream=)
Thanks for your support for UP-much appreciated!I believe it will be an amazing experience.