I'm really glad this week was really easy and barely had any homework, so I'm off to enjoy a wonderful week of spring break, if the weather allows for it.
Just 9 hours until the 30 hour famine starts, I probably end up doing more then 30 hours cause I won't be the type to wake up at 5am and indulge before a fast, or buffet afterwards which would kill me. Anyhow hopefully everyone else doing the famine has Fun doing it and focus on anything but food.
Good night ; Sleep tight because we will have a sleepless night tommorow ....
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I must say, it's funny how your emotions can bring you up and drag you down so fast. It's like a rollercoaster ride and unfortunately, I'm riding it.
Look to God, Look to God.
Look to God, Look to God.
So yesterday I woke up with a thrill to do textiles & clothing.. maybe it so happened to be in my dream, but I don't know its hard to remember after a good night's sleep. According to the Bible though, God does speaks through dreams, so maybe just maybe it could be a hint or a nudge from him, I'll just have to see what comes next.
Well school has been pretty slack after that week of 5 tests, and I'm pretty sure this week should be kind of simple and clean as Spring Break is approaching. Yes!, that means Famine Time, I'm actually excited to not eat, and hopefully I can pull an all nighter for two reasons. One, I never did it before and the closest I ever got was waking up 6:30am the first day and sleeping at 6:00am the next day, 1/2 hour before I crashed and 1/2 hr before I accomplished it. Reason number two, so Phil & his assassins don't tie me up again at 4am or do anything to me for that matter since I'm a coordinator (but that's not going to stop them) and it won't make me think I'm getting kidnap for real.
I'm also excited to continue practicing for the up and coming Easter Drime. Yesterday's practice was.. let's call it fun & games. We didn't progress much but it was fun to chill and catch up and act immature although supposely being part of a serious matter. Oh, and Urban Promise, after Spring Break things are going to zoom by so quickly and I won't even notice I've graduated and on my way to Vancouver. I'm just really excited, and seeing that today is March 22nd, that makes five months until I'm a legal bagel.
Half way through Lent; Half way to Easter; Peacemaking
Hungry I come to you
Well school has been pretty slack after that week of 5 tests, and I'm pretty sure this week should be kind of simple and clean as Spring Break is approaching. Yes!, that means Famine Time, I'm actually excited to not eat, and hopefully I can pull an all nighter for two reasons. One, I never did it before and the closest I ever got was waking up 6:30am the first day and sleeping at 6:00am the next day, 1/2 hour before I crashed and 1/2 hr before I accomplished it. Reason number two, so Phil & his assassins don't tie me up again at 4am or do anything to me for that matter since I'm a coordinator (but that's not going to stop them) and it won't make me think I'm getting kidnap for real.
I'm also excited to continue practicing for the up and coming Easter Drime. Yesterday's practice was.. let's call it fun & games. We didn't progress much but it was fun to chill and catch up and act immature although supposely being part of a serious matter. Oh, and Urban Promise, after Spring Break things are going to zoom by so quickly and I won't even notice I've graduated and on my way to Vancouver. I'm just really excited, and seeing that today is March 22nd, that makes five months until I'm a legal bagel.
Half way through Lent; Half way to Easter; Peacemaking
Hungry I come to you
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Red Light

The weekend has been enjoyable after a week of a total of 5 tests. phew* ready for the big leagues soon.. well as I start to build my U of A schedule, it has been fun being able to pick what times you want to arrive at school none the less, but I have a major dilemma, I'm still on the edge of going into Arts ( which I'm condionally accepted into ) and head to Buisness in 2nd year OR switch over to faculty of ALES and head to Human Ecology and do the Textiles & Clothing major. I am so undecisive.
Arts->Business has been a recent interest since I'd finish Calm in gr.11 and discovered myself and yes I really would like to go into marketing and work with people and do some advertising and stuff but I have just too big of a passion for textiles and being able to make things or branch out to public relations and work with people through Human Ecology. So there you go, that's my dilemma I keep jumping back and forth, and I can't finish my schedule ever if i don't make a decision soon. I considered doing my first year in Faculty of ALES and if I don't like it, I'll head to business in my 2nd yr as long as I take all the pre requiste courses BUT first year of uni is really broad, and you just take all the neccessary courses i.e. math, english, stats, econ, maybe labs, which is a fear for me b/c people say labs are so long and you have so much writeups to do after each lab. So I don't know if I would get the FEEL for Textiles & Clothing judging by the first year.
My goal this week is to do lots of research on both sides and pray about God's leading for me, because without him, nothing will be successful.
Yesterday Night was a blast for me. It was my kindergarten friend's 18th birthday and she's flipino, so they have a big and glam tradition called a debut, in celebration of woman hood. To summarize, there's 18 roses, 18 guys (majority is relatives) that take turn dancing with her as they each hand her a rose. There's also 18 candles, all female (friends /family) who give her a birthday wish whom I was one of them. It was a joy to celebrate with her on her special day and being to be part of such a grand event was none the less enjoyable. Happy Birthday Stephanie!
I'm really glad that although I'd partied late, got home late, and went to bed late, my body's internal clock still woke me up before my alarm set at 8:30 and i was able to go to church still excited about what's to come. Church was not super exciting of course, but I was glad to see friends and others I wouldn't normally see on weekedays and enjoy a worship service and sunday school with them. 30 hour famine will be starting in 2 weeks! All the best to those fundraising, I'll be doing the famine but I won't be fundraising since I will be starting to fundraise for my internship to Urban Promise soon. That's another goal this week, getting my fundraising letter done and making a list of supportors.
So I titled my note today Red Light because I feel guilty for something I did unintentionally last night, driving home from the Debut @ Crowne Plaza. As you've suspected, yes i did drive through a red light but in the most ridiculous and unmorally way ever. I guess it was because it was my first time parking and getting out of the twisty and swirvy and circling parking lot of Crowne Plaza, and once your out of the parking lot, if you turn left you end up going down hill to the bridge and head South side, so I took the right turn and ended back downtown. So it was past 11:30pm and we (my 4 friends and I) were still pump from the aftermath of the debut. I was driving and I admit I wasn't as focus on the road as I should be due to talking to my friends and being all excited. So I saw the redlight and in my head I know a voice said "Stop and put your feet on the brake" and I did, but by the time I did, it was too late of a conscience and I ended up not having almost of a full stop until I was in the middle of the intersection, so i continued across the intersection-through a red light. LUCKILY because it was so late there was like zero to no traffic and once I drove crossed it, I felt irresponsible and a bad driver, but thankful that I survived. To my surprize, my friends didn't notice at all, all 4 of them were still a bit high from the fun I guess. So yea I'm sorry to my God, my license, and the roadrules. The car stopped on the other side probably thought I was drunk and nuts going through a red light so slowly. Sorry and who ever reading this probably doesn't want to get in my car for a while, but I've forgiven myself and I've learnt from that moment of a mistake. I just needed to let it out because I didn't let my mom know. Sorry, but thank the Big G. for watching over me.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
When Will Spring Arrive?

Wow its been like 2 weeks since I blogged, sorry for those who keep up with my splurbs of babbles and yaddas.
Well March has arrived, but the sight of Spring hasn't, this weather is CRAZY, melting one day, slip & slide, then freezing & snowing, brrrh & more brrrrh. That's Edmonton for you. But yes March, lots of thoughts have popped into my head recently, it's kind of like a 'pet' month for me because March 2nd, 2003 was when I got my samoyed ( similar to a husky) Snowball ( see picture above) , and she was white and fluffy and BIG! I miss her! Maybe she's in dog heaven now, but when I was little I didn't want to get married because my uncle would always tease me about boys so I said I'd marry my dog. But two years and 23 days later, Snowball had to go because she couldn't walk no more, and we literally had to hold her back legs to help her get up the stairs, so sad, I think SPCA put her down, she was a grandma's age in dog years.
Second dog story is Comet, We got him on March 10, 2006, so three year anniversary is coming up! But this is a sad story too! When we got Comet he was like anoerxic for a dog, because his previous owner had starved him and abandoned him in the apartment. Long story short, my dad's co-worker (who owned the apartment or something) knew we were dog-lovers and brought Comet to us. After keeping him for a day or two, we brought it to SPCA lost & found and a week after, we legally had owned Comet. Of course no one claimed Comet, that be admitting they abused him =(. Anyhow so its been a good three years, and Comet got a friend a year later, Luna whom we bought on Feb 2nd, 2007. Oh, how I love them.
Next on the list... HIGHSCHOOL IS OVER IN LIKE FOUR MONTHS. amazing. how ridiculous does that sound or how overwhelmed am I? You be the judge of that. When I was little I thought I never finish school, elementary was a long long 7 years although it was slack & fun & games & parties at every possible event. Junior High zoomed right by, oh puberty & boys & finding myslef-all that good valuable stuff. Now Highschool, gr.12, I thank God for my 13 years of education that will soon come to an end, but wait its not the end, another 4 years of University is set to come. Gradulations 2009.
UP! Urban Promise, I've finally went through my interview call today and it wasn't that bad as I thought. I was really excited but by the end of it I like teared up because I realize I wouldn't be able to help with VBS (Vacation Bible School) at church and be a leader none the less, but this is probably one of those dilemmas that God is trying to teach me something and I'm so sure this summer will be peace & joy & grace & hope. It WILL be an unbelievable experience to look forward to! praypraypray.
"The 2 hardest thing to say in life, Hello for the first time and Goodbye for the last; so why not make it easy and say cya later alligator"
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