For clarity, this is the definition fo epiphany I am targeting,
1. sudden realization: a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, especially through an ordinary but striking occurrence
I was going to wait probably a week later to blog about this, but I want to just get this off my mind now and clear some mind-boggling items off my mind and perhaps yours. If you follow through with what I'm blogging about then I guess this blog will be significant to you, if not, there's no need to read further, not that important anyways. But by saying that, I probably sparked your curiosity, so read on if you like.
Today, I met someone and despite being initially shocked in that instance of acknowledging the presence of meeting this someone, I wasn't totally surprised as I had a feeling you birdies would have something up your wings. Well, in all honesty, the way this person spoke, acted, and even looked were all pretty similar if not exactly like what you guys had described and showed me before. Though, listening to a bird's perspective and being told what someone is liked, or even shown what one looks like, is all very different in comparison to a first person experience. I just found it pretty bizarre how everything falls together like puzzle pieces. Its like not knowing or seeing the whole picture of what that puzzle will look like based on those smaller pieces- until they are all put together that is. So I felt that way after digesting all that had occured in that brief occurance today, but I feel no different than I had prior to seeing this puzzle accomplished.
Since the introduction of this person a few months ago to the frequent mentioning of this person, I've been questioning myself. Questionings about my thoughts, and if those thoughts were because I wanted to actually feel that way or because of all the birds chirpping around me about this someone and always bringing this person up in our conversations. Though I'm a pretty bubbly person and may take things lightly as I often smile and laugh, sometimes, I do find it annoying and I actually wanted it to stop despite liking all the things these birds were chirpping about and doing in regards to this person. Is it actually possible to be annoyed by something you have an interest in? That was my dilemma, I was and am struggling because I didn't know if these birdies "bird watching" was what I wanted. I mean the emotions and ideas aroused were to my liking, but I wasn't sure if it was what I really wanted or if the attention was the part I was liking.
All in all, now that everything has settled in and I'm thinking sensibly, I'm glad I actually met this person today, unexpectedly too. It actually made me aware of myself and the birds and that person and my own feelings and thoughts. As well, I feel some pressure off of my shoulders and mind. If this meet up had been constantly talked about, but not executed or acted upon, I would still be in this struggle with myself and my birdies may just as well continue squawking at me, and I still feel like my feelings were unsettled. The puzzle has been put together and I realized there is nothing more to it. Nothing at all, I can't really explain my thoughts, but my mind is cleared and there's absolutely nothing more than possibly an addition to my flock of friends.
My final tweet to you birdies,
I know you guys are caring and considerate, and I appreciate everything you guys have done and said to me as it helped me seek deeper within and sort out the uncertain. For now, I will have this epiphany to look back on and learn from it for the unknown future.
<3 you birdies.
keep tweeting.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I want Tommorrow
then perhaps more sleeping in!
no more 9-4s and some more
no more going to garbage dump field trips
no more writing and tedious assignments
no more 2.5 hour straight classes
no more group work (though I like my group members)
Just half way to go, exactly 3 more weeks!
Come, Tommorow, COMMMEEE! =)
then perhaps more sleeping in!
no more 9-4s and some more
no more going to garbage dump field trips
no more writing and tedious assignments
no more 2.5 hour straight classes
no more group work (though I like my group members)
Just half way to go, exactly 3 more weeks!
Come, Tommorow, COMMMEEE! =)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tis Done
Exactly a month ago, I wrote a blog post about wanted to be challenged here. Well, I actually did start a challenge of my own to get back into shape and my health up to par. Towards the Spring of my grade twelve year, I read about hot yoga and I got interested in it so I went by myself to try it out. It was brutal alright-the extreme heat, the moves, the stretches, my mind telling me to quit! It was even hard listening to the instructor telling us what to do. But, I liked it, it felt like a great workout afterwards despite feeling sore for a few days.
From that initial trial, I tried to go once a week before grad, but that became harder and harder as University and life got in the way, and the cost adds up too. This year I hardly went at all, but having sat so much I felt really unfit and ridiculously lazy. So halfway through my exams on April 19, I decided to buy a one month unlimited pass to challenge myself further. I didn't know if I could do it, would I lose motivation? would I give up and end up wasting money?
Well, since I am blogging about this, I'm happy to say I made it through. I actually went EIGHTEEN times in these past 31 days. I know... o.O! For those of you I brought to bikram before, your probably like... she's nuts. I guess I really do like this excercise, and its not boring since your always doing a different posture. Having gone sort of regularly in the past month, I also see changes in my health. My blood pressure is up (though still on the low side, but at least its higher) and I feel I have more energy throughout the day. I also feel stronger, thanks to muscle build up.
If your interested, check the below website out:
Now, what next?
Challenge Possible
From that initial trial, I tried to go once a week before grad, but that became harder and harder as University and life got in the way, and the cost adds up too. This year I hardly went at all, but having sat so much I felt really unfit and ridiculously lazy. So halfway through my exams on April 19, I decided to buy a one month unlimited pass to challenge myself further. I didn't know if I could do it, would I lose motivation? would I give up and end up wasting money?
Well, since I am blogging about this, I'm happy to say I made it through. I actually went EIGHTEEN times in these past 31 days. I know... o.O! For those of you I brought to bikram before, your probably like... she's nuts. I guess I really do like this excercise, and its not boring since your always doing a different posture. Having gone sort of regularly in the past month, I also see changes in my health. My blood pressure is up (though still on the low side, but at least its higher) and I feel I have more energy throughout the day. I also feel stronger, thanks to muscle build up.
If your interested, check the below website out:
Now, what next?
Challenge Possible
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
All Aboard
This morning I finally booked my flight to San Francisco. For the past week I've been having non-stop debates. As I've mentined in my last post, sometimes the flight I wanted didn't work out because it be gone as fast as I wanted to book it. Other times, I didn't book right away because I wanted to confirm with my auntie in San Fran that the dates would work for her to accomodate me.
Sometimes I dislike making decisions because I always pose what if situations. What if I booked this time, but the time I like will come back? Am I going too long? Should I wait for a closer or more conveniently day to be open? My mom even got frustrated with me because I couldn't make up my mind which date and time to arrive and depart. Even after I booked my flight this morning, I didn't know if it was what I wanted and I kept looking at the options between Airmiles and Aeroplan. Well too late now, its paid for and booked, so even if I change my mind, I can't.
However, as I was on my way to school, I flipped the Metro and the travel section was... I couldn't believe my eyes, advertising SAN FRANCISCO. At that point, all my worries were gone, I knew what was done was done, it may as well have been a God-thing too. I'm excited, just about a month and then I'm off!
oh Decisions, you fly me nuts.
Sometimes I dislike making decisions because I always pose what if situations. What if I booked this time, but the time I like will come back? Am I going too long? Should I wait for a closer or more conveniently day to be open? My mom even got frustrated with me because I couldn't make up my mind which date and time to arrive and depart. Even after I booked my flight this morning, I didn't know if it was what I wanted and I kept looking at the options between Airmiles and Aeroplan. Well too late now, its paid for and booked, so even if I change my mind, I can't.
However, as I was on my way to school, I flipped the Metro and the travel section was... I couldn't believe my eyes, advertising SAN FRANCISCO. At that point, all my worries were gone, I knew what was done was done, it may as well have been a God-thing too. I'm excited, just about a month and then I'm off!
oh Decisions, you fly me nuts.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Once again...
One week down, six more to go.
and just 8 more days of my first spring class!
Otherwise, I'm feeling the rush and work load coming from spring courses... eek!
On a non-sappy note, I just felt like posting even though I don't have anything exciting to update on. Lets see...
-planning to quit Shoppers and hopefully find a new job when my first spring course ends (or quit once I do find a job-that's smarter)
-figure out my flights with Airmiles to SAN FRANCISCO to visit my one and only auntie there!!!... I hate how one day the flight is there, the next day it's not, the following day it's there, and when I'm about to book it-ITS GONE! ugh. I'm so snatching the spot the next time I see it. (Using airmiles means you only get to select specific times and dates as the flight is free and you only have to pay tax-it feels like a race just to be able to be able to get a flight sometimes)
OH yea, so today in my Design for Sustainability class, we watched an evolution video with this scientist (dead now) as the commentator (how does this relate to the class? not a whole lot). I couldn't believe the things I was listening to and watching though. He outlined how the world began... billions of years ago in the cosmo ages? something like that and how dinosaurs suddenly became extinct and molecules turned into species, which became specialized and eventually developed into homo sapiens (aka us). Well, what does this mean? "Were cousins of the starfish," and we share a lot of things in common with the tree (laugh and roll my eyes). I guess people who don't believe in religion would believe in these things, but I just found it so funny how people would actually believe our ancestors were fishes from the sea that became turtles to be able to live on the land and that they somehow evolved intellectly; eventually transforming into hairy monkeys and gorilla all the way to talking, thinking human beings (WTH?!?!). I mean you got to have some common sense... perhaps my teacher is a firm believer of science harhar. Well, I guess I got a taste of the 'scientific' mentality today, since I don't recall ever watching videos regarding how the world became in my grade school days, in fact I never had a science vs. religion debate either. Perhaps a good thing?
Maybe some people who don't have any sort of faith just don't think critically to how the world came to be. Sad, but another reason to UN-brainwash these people and welcome Genesis to them ;)
On another note, my friend told me that apparently Revelations had predicted that a modern day country, that was a superpower and a highly technologically advanced nation would collaspe... Japan?! I thought that was pretty sweet, the bible is definitely full of wonders.
Wow, guess my initially undirected post became quite insightful don't you think?
and just 8 more days of my first spring class!
Otherwise, I'm feeling the rush and work load coming from spring courses... eek!
On a non-sappy note, I just felt like posting even though I don't have anything exciting to update on. Lets see...
-planning to quit Shoppers and hopefully find a new job when my first spring course ends (or quit once I do find a job-that's smarter)
-figure out my flights with Airmiles to SAN FRANCISCO to visit my one and only auntie there!!!... I hate how one day the flight is there, the next day it's not, the following day it's there, and when I'm about to book it-ITS GONE! ugh. I'm so snatching the spot the next time I see it. (Using airmiles means you only get to select specific times and dates as the flight is free and you only have to pay tax-it feels like a race just to be able to be able to get a flight sometimes)
OH yea, so today in my Design for Sustainability class, we watched an evolution video with this scientist (dead now) as the commentator (how does this relate to the class? not a whole lot). I couldn't believe the things I was listening to and watching though. He outlined how the world began... billions of years ago in the cosmo ages? something like that and how dinosaurs suddenly became extinct and molecules turned into species, which became specialized and eventually developed into homo sapiens (aka us). Well, what does this mean? "Were cousins of the starfish," and we share a lot of things in common with the tree (laugh and roll my eyes). I guess people who don't believe in religion would believe in these things, but I just found it so funny how people would actually believe our ancestors were fishes from the sea that became turtles to be able to live on the land and that they somehow evolved intellectly; eventually transforming into hairy monkeys and gorilla all the way to talking, thinking human beings (WTH?!?!). I mean you got to have some common sense... perhaps my teacher is a firm believer of science harhar. Well, I guess I got a taste of the 'scientific' mentality today, since I don't recall ever watching videos regarding how the world became in my grade school days, in fact I never had a science vs. religion debate either. Perhaps a good thing?
Maybe some people who don't have any sort of faith just don't think critically to how the world came to be. Sad, but another reason to UN-brainwash these people and welcome Genesis to them ;)
On another note, my friend told me that apparently Revelations had predicted that a modern day country, that was a superpower and a highly technologically advanced nation would collaspe... Japan?! I thought that was pretty sweet, the bible is definitely full of wonders.
Wow, guess my initially undirected post became quite insightful don't you think?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
I Honor You
In honor of all Mothers out there,
All of you truly deserve it and I can't imagine how a family could be tied together without moms being the knot. Moms' truly deserve a day all to themselves and to be able to celebrate and cherish the amazing role they have. All the way back since Eve's time, God made mothers special.
Although I didn't accomplish everything I had seeked out to do this past week as wanted to in this post, it was still a fabulous week long of meeting up with friends, sharing conversation, laughter and meals. It started well and it will end well with today being Mother's Day. Tomorrow I start Round 2: Part 3: Spring Term. I'm actually looking forward to taking classes and just having something to do these next six weeks. It'll keep me from being a couch potato at the very least. I'm loving this beautiful weather and I wouldn't mind waking up early again or having to take the long bus ride to school to learn and learn some more.
As of now, I'm embracing this very last "free" day and preparing to enjoy a delicous meal with my mom and family.
Cheers to Mother's Day.
All of you truly deserve it and I can't imagine how a family could be tied together without moms being the knot. Moms' truly deserve a day all to themselves and to be able to celebrate and cherish the amazing role they have. All the way back since Eve's time, God made mothers special.
Although I didn't accomplish everything I had seeked out to do this past week as wanted to in this post, it was still a fabulous week long of meeting up with friends, sharing conversation, laughter and meals. It started well and it will end well with today being Mother's Day. Tomorrow I start Round 2: Part 3: Spring Term. I'm actually looking forward to taking classes and just having something to do these next six weeks. It'll keep me from being a couch potato at the very least. I'm loving this beautiful weather and I wouldn't mind waking up early again or having to take the long bus ride to school to learn and learn some more.
As of now, I'm embracing this very last "free" day and preparing to enjoy a delicous meal with my mom and family.
Cheers to Mother's Day.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Today I felt God's presence. This morning as I was going out, I decided to skim a little book of bible verses that was organized in such a way that it targeted the difficulties or problems of one's life by sections. Many verses I read just seemed to stuck out at me and remind me of God's love and almightyness. How my dreams were his dreams, and that when I surrender and yearn to seek him, I would find my box of joy. While waiting for the bus, worship songs flowed through my head as I was being pushed by the wind. Then a popular analogy came along: You can't see or feel the wind, but you can listen and feel the power of God as with wind.
I also found an attractive book cover at the Tin Box today and I happened to stumbled on this page with the following quote:
"I believe in myself, only because you believed in me first, and because of that, I may not always be safe, but I will be saved."
Lovely Day
I also found an attractive book cover at the Tin Box today and I happened to stumbled on this page with the following quote:
"I believe in myself, only because you believed in me first, and because of that, I may not always be safe, but I will be saved."
Lovely Day
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