Thursday, January 29, 2009

Doomed. not really

Well today just added to my saddness. Not a cherry on top of my week at all. Since finishing moonlight resonance (this tvb drama) I've been contemplating alot about reality families, and family drama, in a way, MY family. Sometimes I do wish that I had a big happy tight family, but of course then it wouldn't be call a 'drama' right? Anyhow its a good drama, watch it anyways...

So I'm pretty down right now because an hour ago I just brought my camera to get fixed at this Sony Service & Repair place... BUT my warranty ended Jan 1st, 2009, I forgot I had gotten my camera on new years in HK last year, but yea I still remember new years of 2008, I had gotten sick from HK's weather and not so purified air and my dear cousin had brought me out to get my dear camera. Anyhow, so since the summer my camera has been shaking on and off, probably a problem with the motor or something I don't know, I'm not so good with techy stuff, but I guess it comes down to blaming myself for not getting it fixed earlier.. until now at least when my warranty is 29 days passed and so yea... if sony isn't nice and denies the warranty, I have to pay a service fee of $30, just for them to repair it, and once its repaired.. then it may be more.. even $100 the person who helped me said.. hopefully not =(

So yea I feel really self-centered and greedy but please pray for my camera! I really like it and I really hope I get it back in a healthy condition & I pray that the warranty works.

On a second note, these few days have been adding to my 'reflection' period, I thought I be going out like crazy and chilling with far or long lost haven't seen friends, but I've been pretty home sweet home attach, and I like it! I wish school wasn't on monday and I don't want to think its on monday, but then again tuesday I have off due to Faith Development Day (hooray for catholic schools).

Hmm I wonder how certain people are doing right now, well I should be off now and reflect on more things, get that application started, and celebrate my dad's 50th? birthday that I found out about yesterday...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well this is my first official blog! Yay! I'm pretty excited. So last week was my last week of exams, FIVE in a row! and I don't want to think too much over it now that it is officially over and I'm in my holiday mode -EIGHT days (including weekends) of no school =) yes, lucky me!

This first month of 2009 has been off to a busy start, from taking myself out of winter conference mode during Christmas break 2008(which was the bomb and I miss it so so much) to situated in school mode again with exams right around the corner + an amazing pastor resigned which meant lots of farewell duties to do! (yes it was busy but WORTH it & I'm very greatful)
Then comes the crazy 5-day week which I have done the impossible and accomplish it. Yes, I could've studied more, I could've focus more on school but what ever I just have to look towards the future for the Best God has instored for me !!

Oh, by the way HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all and now to those who haven't done their resolutions, this is your LAST chance since its the "last" new year. And January will end in four days now, and school will take me away from reality soon, but there is hope! and there is so much awaiting for me this upcoming year. First off, Adoria , my dear s.i.c. (Sister in Christ <3) and me are incharge of 30 hour famine, another chance to starve and raise money for World Vision, as well as have a crazy sleep over at our church. Secondly, DRIMETIME, since last May the first drime we accomplish, it has been a great interest to me and others and we will be planning our up and coming third drime which we will be presenting at Easter. Lastly, this summer Adoria and I are planning to intern at Urban Promise in Vancouver, YAY to away from Deadmonton for 5 weeks and hooray for Vancouver & doing something really meaningful for my grad year. Which reminds me,... time to fill out that forever and a day application.

So there's my little splurb haha, and I'm off to relief the pain from stretching yesterday and running at the gym today! Oh, and on a random note, here's a random quote I've been living
"With God all things are Possible" despite the worry wort me and nervewrack I can be, hold on to this and everything is possible'.